Sponsored Project
Advanced Interaction
TThe CHIC – Cooperative Holistic View on Internet and content project was submitted, evaluated and approved for financing under the call “Mobilizers programs “ supported by Portugal 2020 funds. With a total approved budget of nearly 10 M€, CHIC was submitted by a consortium of 24 entities headed by MOG Technologies, S.A. The consortium incorporates different entities, from SME to medium/large companies passing throw institutions from the Portuguese Scientific and Technological System.
The CHIC – project, aimed to develop, test and demonstrate a wide range of new processes, products and services that have a significant impact on the audiovisual and multimedia sectors. These products by their nature will have a clear mobilizing effect on other important sectors of culture such as the cultural heritage, archives, books and publications or the performing arts.
The DigiMedia team was involved with major responsibilities in the pilot dealing with NLI – Natural Language Interaction for online navigation and cable distribution systems. The DigiMedia team was in charge of the technological mapping of NLI technologies, training and modelling, development and implementation of the technical solution, trial run and optimization in heterogeneous conditions, pilot deployment, pilot evaluation and dissemination actions. The deployed solution is now embodied in the MEO TV Remote App.
October 2017 – December 2020
Companies that produce technology: MOG technologies S.A, Enigma Virtual (Gema), Cluster Media Labs, YouON, VMuse, Altice Labs, SISTRADE.
Entities SCTN: INESC TEC, Universidade do Porto FEUP, FBAUP, FLUP, Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ISEP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Universidade Aberta, Centro de Computação Gráfica, Cinemateca Portuguesa, Universidade de Aveiro e Universidade Católica.
Advanced users: Global Notícias, Publicações S.A. (Jornal de Notícias), Altice Labs, Avenida dos Aliados – Sociedade de Comunicação S.A. (Porto Canal), Tipografia Tadinense, Ideias e Conteudos, OSTV (Canal 180), Cinemateca Portuguesa, GMK.
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